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Dr Nsikak Paul Nyoyoko FICS

ICS-NS Uyo Zone Secretary

Dr. Okon Akaiso FICS

Coordinator ICS- NS Uyo Zone

Mrs Kehinde Abass

Submitted by admin on March 24, 2023

My name is Mrs Kehinde Abass and I am a nurse. I have been a regular consultee of Magodo Specialist Hospital since 2011 and I have had no cause to doubt the quality of their services.
Following 8 years of infertility, several investigations and treatments including 2 failed IVF in other private and public hospitals, I decided to try Magodo Specialist.
To the glory of God and the professionalism and expertise of Dr Olamijulo and his team, I conceived within 3 months and had successful delivery of my first baby at the age of 43 years.

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